To have enough time to navigate safety and check-in regulations prior to the check-procedure, all departing passengers are requested to timely report at the check-in counters which are located in the departure halls at the airport.

Flights between Check-in time for departure
and / or
Paramaribo, Georgetown, Curacao, Aruba, Miami, Belem
Starts 3 hours and 30 minutes before departure and ends 1 hour before the departure time of the flight.
For Business Class and Online Check-In, check-in ends 1 hour before departure.
Paramaribo – Amsterdam v.v. Starts 5 hours before departure and ends 2 hours before the departure time of the flight.
For Business Class and Online Check-In, check-in ends 1 hour and 30 minutes before the departure of the flight.

How to Check-In Online

SLM Internet Check-In: 7 Simple Steps to More SLM Comfort

  1. Go to
  2. Click Manage Booking
  3. Fill in PNR Number and Last Name and click Manage
  4. Choose Online Check-In
  5. Fill in Personal Information
  6. Choose your seat and finalize Check-In
  7. Download your digital boarding pass


FLYSLM Mobile App Internet Check-In:

  1. Download the FlySLM Mobile App from the App Store or Play Store
  2. Choose Check-In
  3. Fill in Last Name and PNR Number and click Find Flight
  4. Follow on screen prompts to finalize check-in
  5. Download digital boarding pass
  6. Add digital boarding pass to Apple or Android Wallet


Important notes:

  1. Online check-in is available as of 24 hours to 05 hours prior to flight departure;
  2. Passengers must be in possession of a digital boarding pass to present at the baggage drop off/Online Check-In counter and the boarding gates;
  3. Passengers with baggage must proceed to the baggage drop off / Online Check-In counter;
  4. Online checked-in passengers with baggage should be at the baggage drop off counters not later than two (02) hours prior to flight departure;
  5. Online checked-in passengers without baggage must proceed to the baggage drop off / Online Check-In counter for mandatory document check and should be at the boarding gate not later than ninety (90) minutes before departure.