Service for general cargo shipments

Surinam Airways cargo offers reliable transportation of general cargo to and from all its destinations and beyond with other carriers or via trucking companies.

Cargo that is not specified as special cargo can be sent as general cargo.


Service for shipments with guaranteed capacity and delivery.

Practically anything can be sent as priority cargo. Surinam Airways cargo offers a reliable transportation of your priority cargo to and from all its destinations and beyond with other carriers or by trucking companies.

This service is available in all our stations.

The space will be guaranteed by us, if bookings are made within 48 hours prior to Latest Acceptance Time (LAT).


Service of shipments of large and heavy cargo.

Surinam Airways cargo offers reliable transportation of large cargo to and from all its destinations and beyond with other carriers or by trucking companies.

To be guaranteed the acceptance of these large shipments, it is mandatory to contact your nearest Surinam Airways office or handling agent in that area.

Oversized cargo is most of the time general cargo or aircraft parts.

The limit for acceptance depends on the aircraft type and or container size.


Special service for dangerous goods.

Dangerous goods are not accepted on Surinam Airways passenger flights.

Exceptions need approval from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority Suriname (CASAS).

On the all freighter to and from Miami dangerous goods are accepted, except for radioactive material or goods containing radioactive material.

Shipment of dangerous goods is subject to dangerous goods regulations.


Service for shipments that needs to stay cool or frozen.

Surinam Airways cargo offers reliable transportation of fresh and cool cargo to and from all its destinations and beyond with other carriers or via trucking companies.
Products like flowers, fish, vegetables, pharmaceuticals etc. are kept at the desired temperature. It is mandatory to inform the carrier and handling agent at what temperature goods should be kept.


Special service for live animal’s shipments

Surinam Airways cargo offers reliable transportation of live animals to and from all its destinations and beyond with other carriers or via trucking companies. It is mandatory that all live animal’s precautions that are required within the country of origin and destination should be considered, prior to shipment. Live animal’s shipments are subject to live animal’s regulations.

Bookings can be made at any Surinam Airways reservation office near you or at any authorized Surinam Airways cargo agent.

For info about prices and conditions, please contact the nearest Surinam Airways office or your authorized agent or go online.

Tracking of your shipment is possible by contacting your cargo handler.

Surinam Airways cargo has an embargo on shipments of primates to and from all destinations and birds, fowls, and reptiles to Amsterdam – the Netherlands (Europe).

Surinam Airways Cargo uses ULD's on the Mid-Atlantic route.

The ULD's used on the aircraft are AKE – containers and PAG or PMC pallets


ATA code LD3
Weight Limitation Inc. Tare Weight 1,588 kg
Tare Weight 100 kg
Internal Volume 152 cu. ft. 4,4 cbm
Loadable Aircraft Type 747, 747F, 777, Airbus


P1P, PAG Pallet
Size Base: 88” x 125”
Height: 64” (Passenger flight),
96” (Q6 Contour), 118” (Q7 Contour)
Weight Limitation Inc.  ULD Tare Weight 4,626 kg (LD), 6,033 kg
Tare Weight 105 kg
Loadable Aircraft Type 747, 747F, 777, Airbus


PMC, PQP, P6P Pallet
Size Base: 96” x 125”
Height: 64” (Passenger flight),
96” (Q6 Contour), 118” (Q7 Contour)
Weight Limitation Inc.  ULD Tare Weight 111,340 kg
Tare Weight 480 kg
Loadable Aircraft Type 747 F


From and to Miami, we use PAG and PQA pallets.


P1P, PAG Pallet
Size Base: 88” x 125”
Height: 64” (Passenger flight),
96” (Q6 Contour), 118” (Q7 Contour)
Weight Limitation Inc.  ULD Tare Weight 4,626 kg (LD), 6,033 kg
Tare Weight 105 kg
Loadable Aircraft Type 747, 747F, 777, Airbus


On the regional routes there is no use of ULD's.



For the cargo to be ready for acceptance and carriage there are some criteria.

These are:

  • Booking must be made
  • Known shipper & known consignee
  • Shipment corresponds with booking
  • All relevant documents
  • Packaging must be in good condition
  • Complete air waybill
  • Ontime delivery
  • Correct labels to every piece of cargo
  • Cargo according to security and safety regulations
  • Cargo according to local and import customs authorities regulations


Our professional team of customer care representatives will be happy to assist you at any time in case of a claim.
Claims can be put in for damaged cargo, delayed cargo or non-delivery at any station and will be handled by the customer service.

In case of damaged cargo a report should be made immediately after discovery and before leaving the customs area and at least a written claim should be filed within one week of delivery of cargo.

In case of delayed cargo and short shipment the delay should be reported immediately after discovery at the airport on arrival of the cargo and before leaving the customs area and claims should be filed in writing within three weeks.

In case a shipment fails to arrive at the destination, a written claim should be filed within three weeks of the date that the cargo should have arrived.

Supporting information/documentation:

  • Claim letter holding the airline responsible
  • Specification of the claim amount
  • Air Waybill
  • Delivery receipt
  • Invoices

All claims should be admitted through email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



Documents needed for importing goods into Suriname

Trade license with chamber of commerce registration number, Tax number import / export number

  • Air Waybill
  • Original invoice
  • Exemption disposal
  • Clearance certificate
  • Copy of id card or passport for non-resident
  • IT form - enig document

Import of pets

  • all relevant documents from the foreign country 
  • inform customs


Documents needed for Exporting goods out of Suriname

  • Trade license with chamber of commerce registration number, Tax number import / export number
  • Original invoice
  • Bank authorization
  • IT form - enig document
  • Clearance authorization
  • Copy id card or passport for non-resident

Export of pets

  • Copy id card or passport for non-resident
  • Veterinarian health certificate (not older than 1 week prior to departure)
  • Animal must be in a pet container
  • IT form - enig document

Documents needed for export of pets to Belem

  • Anti-rabies certificate for animals older than 90 days, stating the name of the manufacturing laboratory, vaccine type and lot number (animals younger than 90 days of age not yet vaccinated must present authorization from veterinarian
  • Health certificate issued by veterinarian not older than 10 days
  • Zoo-sanity certificate valid for 10 days, can be obtained at the ministry of agriculture in each country

Note: The health certificate, if not in Portuguese, may be required to be translated by a sworn translator

Documents needed when sending cargo in the USA beyond Miami

  • Power of Attorney signed by the consignee
  • Commercial or Pro Forma invoice

Surinam Airways Cargo has an embargo on the following shipments

  • Primates to and from all destinations
  • Birds and fowls to Amsterdam (Europe)
  • Dangerous Goods on passenger flights
  • Reptiles to Amsterdam